Remember Remember The 5th of November…WE RUN!

“Where’s Waldo?”
“I think we trampled him, he works for the man.”

Happy Guy Fawkes day everyone.

In order to celebrate and commemorate Guy Fawkes and his inspiring and brutal message he tried to deliver to the common man and women about not allowing themselves to be oppressed by the tyranny and greed of big government….The Fredricton Flight Club will be running around in the woods at night time.

It’s kinda how we celebrate anything.

Meet at the Westmorland Shop at 5:30pm with your headlamps and belt full of throwing knives.


About frederictonflightclub

Fredericton's trail running club! See the run schedule to join us on our weekly adventure!
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4 Responses to Remember Remember The 5th of November…WE RUN!

  1. Scott says:

    Greetings. I have a couple of stupid questions so please bear with me: 1) do you guys still do trail runs in the winter? If so, any specific locations recommended or preferred…Killarney, Odell,? 2) am looking to start trail running and am looking for recommends on gear. obviously shoes, layered clothes, headlamp etc, but is one of those adventure race type hydration vests needed? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

    • Hi there Scott! Not dumb questions at all….let’s see if we can answer them for you.
      We will be running through out the winter, every Monday night we meet at Radical edge Westmorland St location at 5:30pm. If weather, snow and ice and such, make it a bad week for running, we will snowshoe! But a lot of the single-track trails we run on are run-able in the winter with the right gear.
      This leads nicely into questions two and three. There are fewer locations we will frequent during the winter months. Marysville, O’Dell, Islandview and Penniac will in all likely hood be the most visited flight paths. You can find maps and locations for these areas on the FLightClub wordpress page. The reason we pick these trails is because the ground is hard from years of mountain bike and runner use, so they don’t hold water as much and the trails are in better over all condition.

      As far as gear goes, there are a few pieces I like to have with me in the cooler weather. 1) Compression tights or merino wool long johns. I bring a small camel pack with me as well. IN it I have a snack, extra headlamp and a stuff-able down jacket. If I twist an ankle and need to walk out, I put on my puffy jacket to stay warm. Light weight tuques and mitts are a great idea too. On my back I wear a mid level base layer. Even in sub zero temperatures, you get pretty warm once your heart rate goes up.

      How is that for a little info to start with? More questions? Please feel free to leave another comment or call me at the shop 459 3478 X 2

  2. Scott says:

    Sincerely appreciate the feedback…cheers!

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